Reports of discrimination increases sharply
The Meldpunt Discriminatie Amsterdam Region will present its 2020 annual report on Thursday, April 22. In 2020 there was a doubling in the number of reports: reports increased from 595 in 2019 to 1309 reports in 2020.
The past year has been special and a lot happened in the community, from the global outbreak of corona to Black Lives Matter. All of this has also impacted the MDRA. For example, the Meldpunt received many reports of discrimination from people of Asian background because of discriminatory comments about the corona virus and people of Asian appearance. The Black Lives Matter movement organized a protest in Amsterdam on June 1, 2020, where more than 5,000 people spoke out against discrimination and racism. The growing uneasiness in Dutch society about discrimination and racism reflected in the number of reports to the Meldpunt, with an increase of a whopping 120% compared to 2019. As in 2019, more than half of the reports concerned discrimination based on origin/skin color.
Origin and skin color again out of 1
Origin and skin color is the discrimination ground on which the Discrimination Hotline receives the most reports each year. This number rose sharply in 2020, with 318 reports in 2019 and 944 reports in 2020. Part of this increase concerns the bulk report about the stigmatizing Radio 10 song Prevention is better than Chinese, with 406 reports. Without counting this bulk report, there is still a significant increase in reports based on origin and skin color in 2020. This represents an increase of nearly 70% compared to 2019. About a quarter of these reports are specifically about anti-black racism (141 reports). Following the corona crisis, there was a sharp increase in reports of anti-Asian racism, with eight reports in 2018, 10 reports in 2019 and a whopping 523 reports in 2020 (117 reports not including the bulk report about the Radio 10 song). These often involve racist insults and scolding, whether or not combined with corona-related remarks.
Labor market largest discrimination area
As in previous years the most reported incidents of discrimination occurred in the labor market. In the Amsterdam region 161 incidents of discrimination were reported that took place on the labor market. Reports often concern discrimination on the basis of origin or skin color, gender, age, disability or chronic illness and religion. Most reports take place on the shop floor, followed by discrimination during the recruitment and selection process and discrimination at exit (for example, a dismissal procedure).
Violence and threats are increasing further increase
Reports of violence and threats increased for the second year in a row. In 2019, 53 reports of threats received, which doubled to 107 reports in 2020. Here mainly involved (more than 70%) threats due to origin and skin color. In slightly more than 15% of the cases involved threats based on sexual orientation. In 2019, 20 reports were received about incidents of violence. This number grew to 45 reports in 2020. In nearly 60% of the violent incidents, origin or skin color was cited as the grounds for discrimination. In 30% of the reports, sexual orientation was mentioned and three reports involved involved violence against transgender individuals.
Treatment, counseling & mediation
As an anti-discrimination facility, the primary task of Discrimination Hotline is to provide assistance to citizens who encounter discrimination. Half of the number of reports ask for it. For example, for victims there was psychosocial support or guidance in report to the police, support in defensibility or, on behalf of the notifier, a request for a for an opinion from the Human Rights Board. Despite the fact that due to corona we could not always be at the office, we were approachable throughout the year. for all residents of Aalsmeer, Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Diemen, Ouder-Amstel and Uithoorn. Much national publicity was given to our report 'Anti-black racism in the Amsterdam region'. That report provided insight into the nature, extent and personal impact of anti-black racism. Our new website and posts on social media also contributed to greater visibility of the Meldpunt.
Click here To download the annual report.
For more information, please contact Jerrol Marten at 06 - 33735959.