Let op! Wij zijn verhuisd. Je vindt ons nu op de Hobbemakade 29-H. Wil je langskomen, maak je dan even een afspraak? Ons telefoonnummer is nog hetzelfde: 020-638 55 51.

Let op! Wij zijn verhuisd. Je vindt ons nu op de Hobbemakade 29-H.

What do we do with your report?

If you experience discrimination, always report it! What do we do with your report? First of all: we listen to your story and register your complaint. Then we will contact you within five working days for an interview. Then we will discuss what you want us to do and what you expect from us. Per situation we will start working for you.

Complaint procedure: how it works

1. When can you file a report?

If you have been discriminated against yourself or if you see someone else being discriminated against.

2. Making a report. You can:

3. What happened?

We can best help you if your complaint is about a specific fact, event or action that occurred less than a year ago. Are you in doubt? Then please contact with us! Do you live outside the Amsterdam region? Then we will refer you to the Discrimination hotline in your region.

4. Together we look for a solution.

What can we do for you and what could you undertake yourself? Together we look for an appropriate solution. We do this discreetly: your privacy is important to us.

5. Conduct research and engage in conversation together

We doen altijd eerst uitvoerig onderzoek. Dat doen we via ‘hoor en wederhoor’. Dit houdt in dat we jouw verhaal eerst zo duidelijk mogelijk willen krijgen. Als je wilt dan kunnen we met jouw verhaal een klachtbrief opstellen. Daarin vragen we de veroorzaker ook om zijn/haar kant van het verhaal te vertellen. Vaak blijkt direct contact met de veroorzaker een goede oplossing. Daarvoor regelen we een bemiddelingsgesprek. 

6. Going to the Human Rights Board or reporting to the police.

Can't come to an agreement with the other party? Then we go with you to the Human Rights Board. We ask their opinion about your situation: have you been discriminated against? If necessary, we go together to the police. There we report the crime. Fortunately, this last step is not often necessary. Usually it is possible to come to a good solution with all parties earlier.

Registering helps and your vote counts!

We support, offer help and mediate. So report your complaint today. Do you only want to report without further action? That is also possible. Because every report counts!

What exactly is discrimination?

There are different types of discrimination. Here read more. Not sure if you or someone else is being discriminated against? Then feel free to contact with us.

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