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Let op! Wij zijn verhuisd. Je vindt ons nu op de Hobbemakade 29-H.

Dificultades para presentar una denuncia policial por discriminación

A man is abused on the street by a group of young people. The group made remarks regarding his sexual orientation and that he is too effeminate and should not be painting his nails. The man reports the incident to the Meldpunt Discriminatie Regio Amsterdam. He shows pictures of his injuries. In cooperation with a contact at the police, the man files a police report.

Doubts about the usefulness of a police report

The client is supported during the process by our discrimination consultant. The procedure is unusually difficult. The officer taking the report and the assistant district attorney do not, at first, want to use the ‘discrimination designation.’

Mediation between police, public prosecutor and client

Our consultant discusses the issue with the police and public prosecutor. After mediation between the client and the police an investigation is launched. The suspects are tracked down and tried. They apologise to our client.

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